Final Week of Classes

It’s the final week of classes for the Spring 2017 semester. I am about to officially finish my second semester of college and conclude my first year of college. It is an exciting time but I still cannot believe I am going to be a sophomore in college!

Since my last blog post, I have been laying low not doing much. However, I did attend some events on campus that were really cool. I attended a Yanvalou concert again. I wrote about them before when I went to their concert last semester. They are a drum and dance group that performs and dances to music from the African Diaspora specifically Ghana and Haiti.  Here is a picture from the concert

The weather has been interesting. I am from New Jersey so weird weather is something I am used to. This is the time of the year where you don’t know if you should wear your coat or sandals. The morning can start out in the 50s and by mid-afternoon, it’s in the low 80s. There has been a lot of confused dressers. It’s funny to see one person wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the next person wearing a coat and boots. I think this weather could be a metaphor for something.

All this to say, the weather has been interesting. But the flowers are starting to bloom. Here are two pictures to illustrate this point.

Isn’t that a pretty sight. Wellesley is blooming and it is not unusual to see people stopping to take pictures. There are tons of these photo-worthy moments all over campus, I hope to run around and take some before I leave.

I would also like to welcome all the new first-year who committed to Wellesley. I am excited to y’all on campus.

That’s it for this week.


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