Snow is a Great Study Break


This week is extra great because… drumroll, please!… it snowed yesterday!



As someone who has lived in Miami for pretty much her whole life, snow is so fun to see falling delicately from the sky. And the noise it makes when you step on it is more satisfying than any ASMR or slime video on the internet. I was so excited when I saw it coming down that I ran outside in only a hoodie and some comfortable sweatpants, which weren’t so comfortable outside while I slowly got soaked by the tiny little snowflakes. I was SO excited that I didn’t even put on boots or put my hood up – just ran out in my sneakers and unzipped jacket. Fingers crossed that I don’t get sick.


Even though I really enjoy the cold, there are mornings that I desperately wish that I didn’t feel a chill creeping up my skin as soon as I get out from the security of my huge comforter. Thankfully, Thanksgiving break is coming up next week! I’m dying to see my dog and let him be a clingy child all weekend. My mom has been sending me pictures of him waiting by the door just to mess with me! I explain this to people whenever I mention missing my dog, but I feel like I miss my dog more than my mom because at least I can call my mom; my dog doesn’t understand where I went and that makes me SAD! He’ll get lots of treats next week from me, at least.


It’s going to take a bit of effort to get through the next three days of class, but it’ll all be worth it to have a stress-free and relaxing break. My writing paper is already planned out, but I still have to start a computer science pset, study for my in-class history exam, review for Japanese, and meet with my professor.





Seems like a lot, right? That’s because it is. Thankfully, the work is all interesting and it’s really satisfying to put my best foot forward for the coming week. I would say I pride myself on my dedication to my work, but sometimes that’s hard to do with all that goes on in a typical Wellesley week. A big theme of this blog so far is that adjusting IS a hard task and I’m going to reiterate that it is. I had to meet with my First Year Dean, who was so welcoming and such a great resource, to make sure that I’m not going off the rails with my self-care and really balancing my priorities.


Anyways, I really can’t wait to go home and see the beautiful blue sky again. It’ll give me a much needed reset and a place to focus on how I want to finish out the semester. And I’m going to #treatmyself… even though I probably treat myself too much already! Another word of advice for seniors: don’t let yourself nap too much. You’ll fall into a hole that’s reaaaallyyyy hard to get out of, take it from me. That said, I’m definitely going to take advantage of napping with my wonderful dog.



I’m going to attach a Guilty Pleasures playlist, just as a throwback and mood booster for anyone that needs it. Hopefully I can find a good picture of the snow, too!


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