Wellesley College: Walnut Creek, CA Campus 

Hello friends! I absolutely cannot believe that it is April already! Today, we are mid-way through our second week of online classes. I am starting to develop a routine again and I now consider myself a Zoom expert! Here in Nor-Cal, we can still leave the house so long as we practice social distancing, so I have been taking daily walks to try to enjoy the warm weather. 

The flowers are in full bloom here!

 Each of my classes adopted a different strategy to adapt to the move online. In my American Studies course for example, we are meeting at our usual time but for a slightly short period. In my first-year writing class though, we are only meeting once a week and our professor has been posting lecture-style videos for us to watch at a convenient time. Online instruction can never fully mimic in-class learning, but professors have been trying their  best to replicate the experience using different techniques. Wellesley professors have responded to this crisis with compassion –– all of my professors have been incredibly understanding and flexible especially given that every student is in a different living and learning environment. 

 One Wellesley activity that unfortunately cannot be replicated from a distance is my volunteer position as a student teacher at the Child Study Center, the on-campus preschool. I absolutely loved working at the CSC and interacting with the three-year-olds in my assigned classroom. Working in the classroom, I learned so much about developmental psychology and I always looked forward to Wednesday mornings when I was with the children! Many other aspects of campus life have been translated online (thanks technology!), but I have especially missed being in the classroom at the CSC. Although we have scattered around the country and world, CSC student teachers are sending in pictures from our homes to make a video for the children in our classrooms. I can’t wait to see the final product and hope that the children in our class love seeing their teachers even from afar!

I made a sign for my Child Study Center class! I can’t wait to see the finished video

 In addition to my classes and long walks, I’ve also been keeping in contact with my Wellesley friends. Last week, my friends and I had a presentation night where we Zoomed and shared carefully crafted Google Slide presentations on topics of our choosing. I presented on my use of memes as a coping mechanism during the stress of Covid-19. My friend Maddie, true to her Midwestern self, presented on the best and worst casseroles. It was awesome and hilarious. Although I miss seeing (and living with) my friends, I am so grateful for the ways we have been able to stay in contact. 

The opening slide of Maddie’s presentation on casseroles. It was incredibly funny!

 With all this newfound time (silver lining!), I have been reading even more for pleasure. I thought I would keep y’all updated with the books I’m reading and perhaps you’ll be inspired to pick up a book too! This week I’m reading two memoirs –– Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved by Kate Bowler –– they are gripping and thought-provoking. 

 Continue to care for yourself and for those you love <3


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