Hello! I came back to Miami on Wednesday and it was so bittersweet. I loved being in New York with my sister and getting to spend quality time with her, and it was really difficult to leave the city. And, at the same time, I wanted to come back to Miami to see my friends and family for the holidays and escape the cold weather (I turn into a baby in the cold), but I am so happy to be back!
The night before I flew back to Miami, I could barely partially from time spent pack and partially out of excitement to see my friends again. So, I was really exhausted the day I got back and ran straight from the airport to the clinic to get COVID tested, but once I was able to catch up on some sleep and recharge, I felt like myself again. Classes are still on, so most of this week has consisted of PSETS, group meetings, class, and a bit of extra studying since finals are creeping up.
Then this Friday, I was able to see my friend Caroline and we went for a sushi date and spent the rest of the night catching up while walking by the water next to the restaurant we ate at. Then on Saturday, I saw my boyfriend who has also just returned home from college and we went to dinner at a ramen place and then watched the movie Laundromat (highly recommend, it was my second time seeing it at this point). I am really excited for the holidays, mostly to see family I haven’t seen in a while and because Christmas is my favorite holiday. (just makes me so happy and cheerful) I’ve already started jamming out to some classic Christmas songs while studying to get in the holiday spirit!