Hi future Wellesley siblings! Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Jessica, but most people call me Jessie. I am a first-year from Worcester, Massachusetts (a city smack-dab in the middle of the state) and will be living in Freeman Hall this year. I am so excited to be here, writing for the same blog I poured over less than a year ago. My interests are all over the place these days. I bounce between majoring in political science on a pre-law track, education as part of the Wellesley Teacher Scholars program, or majoring in English and reading for the rest of my days. I am doing my best to stay open and allow my interests to lead me in the right direction- not an easy feat for a compulsive planner like myself. But college is all about change, right?
I have been living on campus for just under two weeks, not counting the three brutal days I spent under in-room restriction because I live to forget them, and it has been a whirlwind. I have met so many new faces and learned so many new names that I can barely keep track of myself. Since FDOC, I can feel myself starting to settle into a groove at college- something I never thought would happen.
Starting at Wellesley feels like starting a life from scratch: I know nobody, nobody knows me, and there are very few expectations about where I should be and when. Trying to build some kind of normal has been the hardest and most liberating part of college thus far. Right now, my main focus is finding consistency amid all this change. My class schedule is finally all set with courses in Education, English, Spanish, and Sociology that provide some level of structure. I already have my favorite dining halls, my favorite study nook in the common room, and a favorite picnic spot by the lake (I attached a picture of the view from a couple days back. Please feel free to drop swan name suggestions in the comments). I am also trying on a few different clubs for size. On the agenda this week: Yom Kippur services with the Wellesley Hillel, a meeting for the Wellesley News Opinion section, and try-outs for the Wellesley Mock Trial team. In the quiet moments between commitments and class readings, I find myself walking around our gorgeous campus with a few friends and taking in all this school has to offer us. In ways both big and small, I am starting to find a home here.
I don’t know what this year will hold just yet, but I am excited to share it all with you! I imagine there will be a lot of late nights, plenty of picnics, and sneaking Tupperware out of the Bates Gluten Sensitive room. Mostly, I hope you can come with me while I get to know this beautiful campus and the amazing people within it. There is so much about Wellesley I have yet to discover, but I can’t wait to dive in!
With love,