A Busy Fall Break

Today is my first official day back from Fall Break. I loved my time off (though it wasn’t really off considering the amount of homework I was supposed to be doing), but am so glad to be back in the swing of things. Even during the break, I seemed to be more busy than usual. 

I am posting a little bit late today because I just got back from my first shift at the Child Study Center! Wellesley has a fully working preschool on campus that works with the psychology department to conduct research. Lucky for me, they also allow student volunteers in the classrooms! Today was my first shift and I am already in love with the class. I came during their “free play” time so all I have to do is play along with them and occasionally dole out cheese sticks. I cannot overstate the therapeutic value of play dough and baby dolls in the midst of midterms. Just a couple of hours of unmitigated joy has already made such a difference in my stress levels. The hours I spend there also go towards my eventual certification as a preschool teacher. It feels so good to be back in the classroom and remember why I am at Wellesley: to become a teacher myself. 

I started my weekend off with Shabbat dinner with the Hillel, but this time at the Rabbi’s house. One of the perks of attending such a small College is you get to know everyone. 20 college students all crowded around folding tables on Rabbi’s Dinah’s back patio felt more like Thanksgiving dinner at home than a Friday night at College, but turns out that is exactly what I needed. Between the candied sweet potatoes and reading jokes out of a book from our Rabbi’s son, the entire evening felt cozy and complete. Friday night and Saturday were spent at my house in Worcester before coming back on Sunday to a pile of homework. 

Monday, however, was a much more interesting day: the first Marathon Monday! As a now seasoned MarMon attendee, I can say with certainty that the scream tunnel is just as loud as they say, the signs are just as funny as they say, and Wellesley students party just as hard as they say. The whole morning was a blur. My friend and I arrived around 9am to see the first people come through in their wheelchairs and we stayed until just after 2pm as the last few staggered down the road, only leaving the line around noon for some caffeine. I didn’t even notice how bad my feet hurt or how gone my voice was until the crowd cleared. Monday might have been my favorite day here so far- the joy on the runner’s faces as they came skating past us was enough to make my day. 

Tuesday was spent in the Boston garment district with the mock trial team while we desperately searched for court attire. We found some stuff, but I mostly bought clothes I did not at all need. Most of the impulse buying was at a pay by the pound store so how could I not? I don’t even know what I bought in all honesty.I came back to campus for some last-minute prep before a scrimmage that evening. Scrimmage, for those of you who don’t do sports or mock trial, is when your team competes against one another as practice. That took three hours of my night and 7 years off my life, but at least I only have to watch tonight’s match-up!

Things aren’t slowing down at all here. On the agenda for this week: class (obviously), mock trial tonight, Child Study Center tomorrow morning, a paper due on Friday, Shabbat dinner, and my first mock trial invitational this weekend! Wish me luck. 

Until next time, 


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