Hi blog!
I had a lovely fall break in the cape! It was my first time going so I was pretty excited leading up to it. It was awesome to have a break from courses (I held myself accountable to not do any work over the break). I spent most of my time exploring the cape, eating amazing food, and taking in the dope scenery.
Now that I am back on campus and fall break is over, I am highly regretful that I didn’t do any work over the break. This upcoming week is going to be incredibly busy for me…two exams and an in-class debate. I am honestly feeling very stressed out because of it but I’m hopeful that once the week is over my assignments will not be as clustered. Over my time in college, I think I’ve developed a better mentality for tackling stressful weeks such as this one. As a first-year, I would’ve probably been harder on myself for not taking the time to work during the break. However, in general, I’ve been feeling less motivated recently which has been difficult for me. I am generally a highly motivated self-starter for everything I do. Yet, I think the heightened stress and concentration of assignments for this upcoming week will help bring back my motivation. From my 3 years at Wellesley, I’ve learned the most important thing in life is balance. Wellesley and many other elite colleges have a prevalent stress culture, and learning how to make time for non-academic activities/interests is key to having the best college experience. It’s something I’m still constantly learning to do.
Till next week!
Lots of love,