Spooky Weekends at Wellesley

Hello everybody and happy early Halloweekend! It is a rainy day in Wellesley falling smack-dab in the middle of a very rainy week. We have been living between torrential downpours since yesterday and it looks to continue through the holiday weekend- ugh. This means I am experiencing walking to class in bad weather for the first time, too. Last night, I had a meeting at the library around 8:30 and the wind got so bad my umbrella went inside out as I was walking home. However, as long as I stay inside, I can think of this miserable weather as cozy and seasonal. Between now and my mock trial meeting at 7 pm, I plan on staying right here in the Freeman common room, hot coffee in hand while I watch the downpour from the safety of our couch. 

The campus is buzzing with weekend plans with Halloween just around the corner. This will be my first weekend off in far too long and the last one for a while, so I plan on making the most of it. The only problem is I have no idea what is happening this weekend. There are so many events happening that I have completely lost track: I know MungerMash is on Friday night, I have heard about a Zombie party being put on by WZLY (the Wellesley College radio station) which is sure to have good music, the RAs might be doing some kind of wholesome trick-or-treating, and rumor control has it that the Observatory is doing a spooky event under the stars. Then there are, of course, the frat parties. 

Wellesley is universally known to be a party-free school. While I would argue this isn’t true (there is plenty of classic college fun at Wellesley, provided you know the right people and look in the right places), students must outsource if they want a true frat party experience. I know some of my friends plan on hitting up MIT frats or the Harvard Final Clubs. I have even heard a couple of people mention heading to Babson parties despite their reputation for being gross and cheesy. My weekend is open at the moment, but will likely not include taking the LocalMotion bus at 2 am. I know I will be at MungerMash, a Halloween party put on by Munger Hall every year, on Friday night, and will probably hit up a couple more of the various parties around campus this weekend. Costume-wise, I am looking pretty lame. I have never been much of a costume person so the cat ears and black T-shirt I managed to scrounge up is more effort than I have put into a costume since 5th grade. Most people I know are seriously going all out.  the Wellesley Free and for Sale Facebook group has been overrun with requests for white fishnet stockings, safety pins, face paint, tutu skirts, and the wildest clothing items you can think of. I myself left a box of safety pins outside my door for a girl last weekend in order to make her costume dreams come true. 

Aside from this weekend, I am still busy busy busy. I will be volunteering at the Child Study Center tomorrow and have Shabbat dinner on Friday night. I am also meeting with an English department tutor to help with my midterm paper tomorrow afternoon and preparing for another mock trial invitational next weekend, this time with a whole new team!

Until next time,

Jessica Cohen

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