Fall Break in New Hampshire

Hello cool people!

Fall is in full swing here at Wellesley. Along with the countless colorful leaves and trees around (and the countless pictures of them), Fall Break has also arrived on our beautiful campus.

A pretty view of some trees around the lake

I’m still unsure whether this is a part of Green Hall or Founders, hah

As you know, I am an international student who has never been to the US before coming to Wellesley, so, when a friend of mine invited me to go with her to her friend’s house in Sandown, New Hampshire, I immediately agreed: partly because I wanted to meet her new puppy, partly because I wanted to see more of the US than Wellesley and Boston.

I spent most of my time there playing with the three dogs (don’t worry, I will attach some photos of the dogs in this blog post). My friend and I were also recruited to help around the house (that is under construction), so you could have seen us cutting tubes or figuring out the wiring around.

Puppy!!! Her name is Laurel

Laurel and Charlie

Doesn’t the wood in this photo look like a human chest???

We also visited some other towns in the area, the coolest of which was Portsmouth. I live in the mountains back home, so seeing the ocean (or, to be precise, the big river that connects to the ocean) is always an amazing experience for me.

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Coming back to Wellesley, we stopped in Boston and met up with some of our friends there. We went thrift shopping, got lost, ran around, trying to catch the various means of transportation, and one of us got a tattoo (sadly, it wasn’t me, but I will definitely let you know if that changes!).

Now, on the Wednesday after Fall Break, I’m sitting in the Science Center, having procrastinated writing this post until the last moment. Have I mentioned how much I love doing work here? The temperature is just right, there are people around, but now enough to be annoying and noisy, and there are several whiteboards that my classmates and I use to work on our Physics worksheets.

So, that’s it from me for now. This next week will be a busy one for me as I have postponed doing a lot of things because of Fall Break, and I will need to do some extra work to catch up for next week. Wish me luck! And have a great week!

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