Hello from Post Fall Break

Hey all!


Happy first few days back post-Fall break! Ah! I cannot believe that fall break was just this past week. The time just flew by! I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable end to their week. I was just thinking about how two years ago from this October I was preparing my admission essays for Wellesley! Crazy how time goes by so fast. 😌


Heading back into a full schedule after such a long break can be really challenging, especially after such a great time to relax and reflect on the past weekend. My boyfriend came up to visit and it was so nice to share the beautiful campus with him. We took many walks around the town and campus. He really liked to see the science center and could not believe how much it had progressed than the last time he had seen it. 


Another fun activity from this Fall break was going to the Patriots game. We were able to have access to the buffet-style restaurant beforehand and look out onto the field as the teams warmed up. I had never been to a real football game before (I don’t count high school football in this) and loved getting to enjoy the atmosphere of so many people being SO excited. 


Other than that, it was a pretty quiet break. A few trips into Boston and lots of yummy food from outside the dining hall and I am feeling pretty good! Aside from the fun festivities, there is quite a bit of illness floating around the campus. I do love the fall, but the colder weather does bring in lots of sniffles and coughs. Try to stay healthy, everyone! I’ll try to include some extra photos of the game and the beautiful Wellesley fall.


Don’t be a stranger,

Anna Tutek

Pats game!


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