Feeling Sick in College

On Monday afternoon, I got my most recent Covid booster. The school was offering booster shots at Tishman Commons in Lulu so I decided to sign up. I did have to wait for a bit, but the shot itself was super quick and snacks and water were provided afterwards (I did shamelessly steal several granola bars to take back to my dorm)

The next morning around 6 am, I woke up feeling feverish and had chills. I was expecting this because for my previous Covid vaccinations, I was sick the day after. I took some medicine and slept for about another hour. I did feel better after a while, but for all of Tuesday, my head hurt and I felt fatigued, sluggish, and just under the weather. I tried to stay hydrated and eat nourishing foods throughout the day. I even took 2 naps before and after my math class (I do love napping, but I usually never do it in the middle of a school day because I’m always paranoid I’ll accidentally sleep through a class)

After having a good dinner with my friend, I felt a lot better and I know these were just some temporary post-booster symptoms. But this whole day did make me reflect and think a lot.

I was reminded that in college, you really have to be accountable for yourself and your own health. Of course, Wellesley and the school’s Health Services do offer a lot of valuable health resources that everyone should check out. However, you have to seek these resources out yourself, no one is going to just provide them to you without asking. Back home, I’m incredibly lucky and grateful that my parents and my grandmother take care of me whenever I’m sick (I admit I texted and Facetimed my parents several times throughout the day to give minute-by-minute updates on my health) Being a college student away from home comes with a lot of responsibilities and I feel like personal health was one I almost started to forget about; this day was a reminder for me about personal health and overall I’m proud that I was able to take care of myself.

I hope the Wellesley student blog readers are feeling healthy and thanks for reading! I’ll include some more photos from my week.

Some very cool ancient Greek art on the third floor of Founders Hall

Yet another deer sighting

A puppy exercise pen in a trashcan? Who’s hiding a secret dorm pet…

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