The Busiest Week of the Semester

Hello Blog!

As the title suggests, this is a very busy week for me! Let’s do a quick run down:

On Monday I had my math midterm. This was a big deal because we only have 2 big tests during the semester and this was one of them. My professor knew this and even hosted office hours on Saturday for any last minute questions we had. Nevertheless, a lot of my weekend was spent doing practice problems.

Thursday is my final organic chemistry midterm. Orgo is definitely my most work-intensive class I’m taking this semester, just because of the nature of the course. You have to be reviewing and practicing every day because everything builds, so I feel like I’m living and breathing orgo at this point in the semester. I really love it, though, especially because what we’re learning right now feels like solving a big puzzle. I’ve found my new favorite place to study in the science complex too!

My composition is due on Saturday. You heard that right, I am in the process of composing my first musical work. It may be only 17 measures, but I worked very hard!! This is for my intro music theory class I’m taking this semester. I’ve played instruments for many years, but I never had any formal music theory training, so it’s been fun to put everything I learned together into a short original piece. 

My keyboard lab final is on Friday. Keyboard lab? (you may ask). Yes. Part of that music class is also a keyboard lab every week where we play what we’ve learned in lecture on the piano so we can really hear it and ask questions in a group of about 5 people. The thing I’m struggling most with right now is ear training for church modes, so my friend and I have been playing lots of scales for each other on the practice room pianos and naming them for practice.

And speaking of finals, they’re coming up in less than 2 weeks, so it’s time to start preparing! This is the last full week of classes, though, so we’re so close <3

Until next time, 

Jade <3

holiday open tower!

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