Courses, Chromatography, and Carillon!

Hello Blog!

I’ll start by an official run down of my courses this semester as promised:

  • CHEM 212: otherwise known as orgo II. I really ended up loving orgo last semester, so I’m excited to continue this semester! A lot of what the course covers actually relates directly to the techniques I use in my research lab, so I’m looking forward to broadening my understanding.
  • PHYS 108: This is my first look at physics that isn’t just mechanics (throw a ball in the air, drag a cart up a ramp, drop a weight on a spring), so it should be interesting.
  • CHEM 307: This is very exciting because it’s my first 300-level chemistry course! This is the nanoscience course I was talking about before. It’s also my first seminar-style STEM course, which I’ve really been enjoying so far. All of my stem classes before have been based on lectures, problem sets, and exams, so I anticipate this will be a welcome shift.
  • MUS 209: the history of Jazz – this is the first class music I’ve taken past intro music theory, so I’m excited to say the least. We listen to playlists of applicable Jazz music before every class, which I love because it gives me new music that I can listen to at any time throughout the day.

I’ll also be continuing doing research in my lab this semester! Right now we’re trying to salvage one of our old samples to run some more data (who doesn’t love more data?), which is why I’m currently writing this post from my lab with the soothing sounds of the HPLC (that’s High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) instrument. 

Of course, I’m playing cello and rehearsing with my chamber music group as well. I’m looking forward to (hopefully) finishing up Schoenfield’s Cafe Music with my trio (if we can make it through the crazy 3rd movement) and continuing Britten’s first solo cello suite. 

And I’m still playing the carillon! I think it’s so cool that becoming an apprentice for the Guild of Carillonneurs was such a big part of my blogs last semester, and now we have new apprentices! Knighting is happening tonight if you remember from last semester…

Until next time,

Jade <3

first chamber rehearsal BeReal!

guild elevator 0.5 selfie

back in pom <3

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