
Hello everyone!


Another week, another blog of updates on Wellesley life from me. The days are longer, the temperature is now back in the positives (if you are using Celcius), and the snow is melting. The only downside to that is the fact that a lot of the sidewalks are overflowing with water from the melting snow, which is not nice for my shoes. But I will always take that over whatever that freezing cold period was. Spring is (kinda) here, yay!

A view of a field with snow melting on it under gray skies.

Oh, the other downside of the warm(ish) weather is that I want to enjoy the sun and go on walks, not study. Which is bad, because right now is the final stretch before spring break when every single assignment is due, and we have exams and quizzes left and right. The end of the tunnel is near though, as is the much needed rest that spring break promises. 

Some speedrun highlights of the week:

1) I spent a lot of time in the lab, working on my midterm project. I still have a ton of work to do, but I am really excited about it!

A view of a work desk in a lab.

2) It was my friend’s birthday this past Tuesday, so I spent Monday night with some friends making birthday cards and door decorations for her. Yay for arts and crafts!

A door decorated with birthday cards!

3) We had a tea party where we made mini tea sandwiches and snacks using stuff from the dining halls (it went surprisingly well!).

A variety of snacks and food on a table.

4) My building had a fire alarm at 4:45 am on Sunday morning (nay!).

5) I went to a jazz concert on campus. Miguel Zenón (he was a visiting lecturer here for a few days) and Luis Perdomo played pieces from their album “El Arte Del Bolero”. It was absolutely magical to witness.

6) March 1–3 are all very big holidays in Bulgaria—Baba Marta (a spring celebration), the day of forgiveness, and our liberation day—so I spent some time catching up with family, relatives, and friends.

That’s it from me for this week! See you again soon!

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