Yay! So good to be home:) I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know I did.
Best present: a stop watch. Coach Meg will be so proud;) She’s been telling me to get a watch since last year lol.
Being home has been so relaxing. I’ve had a blast seeing old friends and lots of movies. So far I’ve gone to see Frozen (best sound track ever!), The Hobbit Part II, and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. (Not to mention countless episodes of New Girl!) As you can tell, I’ve taken this whole “relaxation” thing very seriously. I’m a very serious character;)
*sigh* Confession: in addition to much relaxing, I did a Wendy thing. On Christmas Eve, I read Bible verses in church… in Chinese. Hehehehe:) My pastor asked a few college kids from my town to each read a passage in the language that they are studying at school. It was really cool:)
I also met the cutest puppy at a Christmas Eve party!!!!
On Christmas day, I hiked a mountain with a friend:) It was beautiful and snowy. At the top of this mountain is a fire tower and we climbed to the top to get the best view.
I’m so happy to be home and enjoying some much needed family time:) I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season! Good luck to all those finishing up applications:) You got this!