“Let’s Make Excellent Happen”

I'm writing this from my warm bed after a long, hard day's work as an Ethos [super]model.

Whew. I had NO IDEA that walking the runway was this hard. I have so much more respect for models now! When you're conscious of how you're walking and how your hips are moving/how your arms are swinging/what face you're making/not tripping in 4 inch heels, walking becomes a whole new game.

Hermès models probably thinking about their facial expressions and trying not to trip.

Anyway…don't feel too bad for me because today I got to try on all the Betsey Johnson dresses I wanted at the Natick Collection store at the Natick Mall (about 10 min. away). I felt like I was in a fairy tale! Here is the dress I will hopefully be wearing for the Tokyo Drift scene of the Lookbook: Global Streetwear Ethos fashion show on Saturday. I'm also wearing some great outfits for the New York, Miami, and Paris scenes. If you live nearby, you should definitely come. This show always rocks. This year it will be in Alumnae Hall Ballroom! I also found my formal dress, finally. I will post pictures after formal so you can see what it looks like: for now I'm keeping it a secret! 

To tell you the truth, I haven't really been doing too much work this week and instead have been undertaking life-enriching endeavors. I saw Madeleine Albright speak with Nicholas Burns about Revolt and Repression in the Middle East at Wellesley's Alumnae Hall on Monday night. My political theory professor, Professor Roxanne Euben, moderated. I thought the talk was very interesting, and the Q&A session afterwards was also pretty moving: students from both China and Tunisia spoke about the youth movements in their countries.

In other life-enriching endeavors, Mary-Grace and I hosted and executed Society Zeta Alpha's semiformal event on Saturday. Fun was had, to say the least.

Finally, I have been preparing for the big day: MARATHON MONDAYYYYYYY MONDAY MONDAY

New Balance has apparently made a Boston Marathon campaign about running through the Wellesley Scream Tunnel (check the top of their site).

Stay tuned next week to see if I'm still alive!

REMINDER: There will be an online chat w/admissions reps on 4/14 – THURSDAY of this week!

Off to bed. 



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