I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s day. If I want chocolate I’ll buy it myself or just eat whatever my roommate left in the room – that’s no holiday … that’s everyday.
But this year I really felt the vday spirit. The two valentines I did receive were from two of my closest friends, the same two who have many featured appearances in my blog entries. If I gain nothing else from Wellesley in the four years that I’m here (sense the sarcasm – lots to gain at this place), I’ve gotten friends(sisters) that do cute stuff like this.
I also went to the Fifty Shades of Grey movie premiere with Phi Sig. I’d read the book when it first came out, and I knew how ridiculous the movie was going to be but I was still amazed at how cheesy dialogue could be in a film. I’m pretty sure I was laughing the entire time. Nearly the entire society went to the theater to watch this (unintentionally?) hilarious movie – it was honestly one of the greatest experiences I’ve had watching a movie, not because of the quality of the film but because of the people I went with. #Sisterhood!!
On Friday, I went to The Sinclair with some friends from high school to see Thomas Jack and Sam Feldt perform. They’re both up and coming tropical house DJs, and I hadn’t heard much of their stuff prior to this show but I’m glad I went. The irony of wearing “tropical” clothes to a concert in the middle of February in Boston was half the fun.
Then on Saturday, Japan Club hosted our annual Snow Festival, Yuki Matsuri in Tishman Commons. We had great food and the performances were awesome, like they are every year. Unfortunately, the weather prevented some people from coming (like Tufts, where some of my good friends go) but it was overall a great event. I was exhausted and spent all of Sunday recovering from a cold I caught that day. The executive board of JC (pictured left) is a great group of people and they make me very happy to be a part of an organization that is so cooperative and passionate about Japan.
So remember when I said I’d get organized this semester and I’d be on top of my game for classes? Proving to be more difficult than expected. I keep thinking of more things to do, like apply for summer internships, do more readings for my five classes, go visit my brother in Providence……. there is not enough time in the week to do all this AND binge watch FRIENDS on netflix everyday, I’m learning very quickly. College is teaching me to prioritize, very slowly, but surely, and I’m just hoping by senior year I’m not scrambling to do homework at midnight before class. But I’m sure two years from now I’ll be looking back at this post and laughing.
OK back to work! have a great rest of the week^_^