It's March already?? Whoa. Spring break starts in exactly 2 weeks….I have a countdown going. I already went bikini shopping online, but many stores have suits back-ordered until April!! Boo. That just means I will have to go shopping fo realz.
I just went to a discussion about Islamic Cosmopolitanism with Professor Euben (my Political Theory professor) at the ZA house this afternoon after class. I felt incredibly ignorant because I realized how little history I know. I swear, knowing world history is the key to succeeding in almost all humanities studies. I'm finding that my lack of Cold War knowledge has become a huge disadvantage in my World Politics course. I feel like maybe I should check out a few documentaries from the library. Popcorn and Ken Burns tonight, anyone?
Ken Burns and I will not be rendezvous-ing tonight, actually, because I have an astronomy midterm tomorrow. Luckily my friend Céline and I will be studying together after my ZA Class of 2013 Lemon Thai dinner date.
Today I'm posting quickly because I am in the middle of a rough patch academically. Though all my extracurriculars are awesome, I need to spend more time on schoolwork. I'm excited, though, because my mom is comig to visit this weekend! She arrives tomorrow. I can't wait. Maybe spending time with her will be grounding, and hopefully I can spend this weekend taking a step back from school and generally catching up. Hopefully that will make me feel better.
This semester is a marathon, and right now I'm wearing bad shoes and my feet are tired… which stinks because I know my heart is in great shape. How poetic, I think I will make my marathon buddy, Jennie, read this little metaphor.
When in doubt, ask: What Would Dean Karnazes (the Ultramarathon Man) Do? WWDKD
Dean Karnazes says, "Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."