Halfway Through the Semester!

You know that moment when you walk into a test and sit down, realizing that you totally forgot to study for a whole section of the material?


Thankfully, that wasn’t me during my Computer Science midterm last week. This blog post is coming to you a whole week late because I had to use all of my free time to review. It’s pretty easy to get confused between appending an item to a list and assigning the same item to the list again. If that sounds like another language, that’s because it kind of is! I reviewed SO well, in fact, that when I walked into my lecture room in the Science Center and realized the test was open notes… I didn’t even need to use them (which was good, because I had grabbed the wrong notebook that morning)!


In about twenty minutes, I need to head over to my computer science lecture of the week. It’s weird only having one class a week due to the Tanner Conference on Tuesday – I highly recommend Tanner, they feed you plenty of food so you can snack while listening to some super accomplished and really cool Wellesley women talking about their job experiences as undergraduates. I really hope to present as a part of Tanner someday, maybe with something involving computer science. I have a ton of ambition to do something awesome in the world, but I’m still learning and exploring through my classes. So far, computer science and its logical, puzzle-piece thinking is my favorite class; I think it’d be really cool to create some sort of software that helps people vote or hardware that looks like technology in sci-fi movies.


Speaking of computer science classes, registration is fast approaching! A lot of my friends have already picked out their classes, whereas I am a little behind the eight ball. I definitely want to continue in computer science (CS 230, I’m looking at you!) and Japanese. History and writing… not so much. The weird thing is, English and writing were my favorite subjects in high school, so I think I just don’t like the topics as much. HIST 247, while interesting, is not my cup of tea. It’s all about Russia before the Communist Revolution, and I have trouble keeping track of all the tsars. My WRIT 110 class is more up my alley. It’s a Women’s and Genders Studies class with a focus on Sociology, which is great. It’s exactly what I like. I just wish there was a little more discussion and a little less fast-paced reading assignments. It would be great to read a book or something on the topic of that writing class; however, as much as I may dislike minor things about those classes, I love all my professors. When I was still getting adjusted my first month here, my professors showed so much understanding if I had to take a personal day off.


Thankfully, the past couple of weeks I’ve been able to attend classes with no problems. I really have to thank my teachers for their help when I’ve been down. It’s much easier to transition in here if you know people have your back. What I want to impart on you today is this: time at Wellesley goes fast and everyone around you is here to make your life as easy as possible as a first semester first-year. Make the most of your time, but also take time to balance yourself! Reach out to your teachers, your RAs, your bosses at work, and mental health professionals that work on campus. That’s something I’ve learned pretty well now.


This week I’ll leave you with my go-to classic rock playlist that pumps me up for a busy day!




Until next time!


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