To “Turkey Trot” or not?

Hey all!


I hope that everyone has had a great week. Here on campus the weather has finally shifted from high seventies to chilly mid thirties which I very much prefer. It is finally beginning to feel like fall! We even had our first snow flurries last night. I am from Connecticut so snow is not an uncommon thing but many students here had never seen snow prior to last night. Growing up, we would have such heavy snow that it would not be unusual to not have school for up to a few days.


Aside from the climate changes of the week, it has been a pretty quiet few weeks. Midterms are just about wrapping up and most students are looking towards the Thanksgiving break. I didn’t realize that not everyone runs a “Turkey Trot,” the morning of Thanksgiving, so leave a comment if your family also does this! I have polled some friends at school and it has been a fairly split vote. I hope to have more details to share after Thanksgiving break rather than a quick little update.


Until then, don’t be a stranger,


Anna Tutek

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