Fall has arrived – in form of winter!!! It snowed today…Snowed. It's October 17th. Now, I'm from Ohio so we're used to snow but not this early in the year. This clearly is not helping my weather interpretation impediment that I wrote about earlier. Good news all around today: First of all, I got an A- on my…
Author: isabel
It's a Friday afternoon and I am absolutely relieved that the weekend is here! I just turned in a paper for my political science class about John Brady Kiesling, who resigned in protest over the Iraq War from the State Department in 2003. Thank God that paper is over with. I feel confident about it, but you never know with…
I’ll Never Look At George Washington The Same Again
In the words of Julia Child, Bonjour. (Sorry I felt obligated to mention her since I just saw Julie and Julia and this is a blog) This week I have been hard at work on my American Studies paper. The assignment was to choose an object and analyze it to reveal something about American culture. So I decided to pick…
Deciding which emoticon to use…
I thought I'd update everyone on the Coast Guard game I mentioned earlier. In two words: epic fail. Okay – it wasn't that dramatic, but we definitely weren't playing the way we know we can. Yesterday was Lake Day! Everyone gathered on Severance Green for Harry Potter themed activities. If you even so much as glanced at my previous post,…
Hi everyone! I'm really excited to FINALLY get this blog started. I've been thinking about writing this first post for the past few days and I figured the best way to start out would be for me to introduce myself and at the same time tell you a little bit about why I chose Wellesley to begin with. If I…