Author: lcamargo

Rain is killing my buzz!

A month into classes and it seems like everyone is sick, midterms have somehow started already, and the weather plummeted fast. I caught a cold earlier this week and the combination of staying up way later than I should and not eating too well has kept me in a physical funk this time. (my friend’s dog, blu!) I just can’t believe we went…

Pre-Orientation – 26Aug2016

Today is move in day for new students!!! I woke up to the sound of excited families carrying couches and mattress pads down the hallway. I’m pretty settled in since I moved in last Friday – I’ve been on campus for a while now going through Student Leader Training, and then helping carry out Pre-Orientation or International Student Orientation between Wednesday…


As someone who spends most of her time reading, writing and talking about public health, I try to practice what I learn. Care for oneself before caring for others, be aware of the affect one’s actions have on the community, etc. So when I started having headaches on Friday last week, I ignored it, like anyone whose friend from out of…

what next

here’s a playlist I made, and something I wrote about it. (on spotify) the prompt for this assignment was to create a playlist answering the question “what’s next?”, and write about why I chose the songs I did what I plan to achieve, want to become “next”, reflecting on my experience at Wellesley so far. ——————————- what next? Lia…

March 3rd, 2016

Happy Girls’* Day! Today is the day of Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day in Japan. Growing up, my mom and I would spend a couple hours in early February every year putting together our hina dan, the multi-tiered doll set that represents the Empress and Emperor. I loved my dolls so much I’m pretty sure I played with them throughout the…

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