Author: lrumbaut

Thanksgiving Break!

Hello! I had a great week, partially because it was a half week and partially because I was able to spend some time with my family. We only had classes on Monday and Tuesday this week because of Thanksgiving break, so we had a pretty nice long weekend. On Thursday morning, my parents and I drove up to Orlando, FL…

From NYC to Miami!

Hello! I came back to Miami on Wednesday and it was so bittersweet. I loved being in New York with my sister and getting to spend quality time with her, and it was really difficult to leave the city. And, at the same time, I wanted to come back to Miami to see my friends and family for the holidays…

Staying Connected

Hello! This week consisted of class, some psets, group meetings, and rewatching episodes of Glee. I’ve really been missing campus lately. The weekend consisted of making my own hoodie, brunch, and dinner with my sister and her boyfriend! I bought a plain blue hoodie on Amazon and used a laser-cut printer to print out the design I wanted and then…

2020 Election and Celebrations

Hello!! Yesterday was a great day! I woke up to my sister telling me the news that Biden was elected as president. As soon as she woke me up to this news, we opened the window and heard people cheering and honking in the street celebrating the news. We got so excited about the news and got dressed and went…

The Road Less Traveled & Fluffy Pancakes

Hi! Term 2 is now in full swing, and we’re only in the first week. I am registered for two courses, one Economics and one Political Science course. However, I am considering dropping one of my courses because the term system is very overwhelming and I’ve been working pretty hard since before the summer. Over the summer, I was very…

Fall Break?

Hi! Our one week break flew by so quickly, but it was such a nice time to relax and chill out.In a typical semester, we have a similar break called fall break, so that’s what I am gonna call this break. I went to New Hampshire for the break to visit and stay with my close friend. While I was…

Fall break??

Hi! I am officially finished with finals for term 1 and enjoying the week break we have before term 2. It is such a great feeling to be done with finals and have a week to recharge! All of my finals went pretty well. Starting Friday night (after my last final), I’ve been able to explore the city a bit…

Week 6 & Finals

It’s week 6! This term has gone by so quickly, and most of next week will be spent studying for finals. Most W students haven’t found the term system to be too overwhelming and stressful. In the beginning of the term, I honestly really enjoyed the term system, but towards the last few weeks, that’s when it became very overwhelming…

Three Lessons…

Hi! Today I wanted to dedicate my post to discussing my personal growth in college. After 2 years in college, I think I’ve learned so much about the world, other people, and myself. I think it’s so important to reflect on my life over a period and consider what I value.  Here are a few of the ways my perspective…

Birthdays & Reflections

Another week has gone by and it feels like time is going by fast! I arrived in New York last Saturday and it’s been so nice to spend more time with my sister and explore the city with her while still being able to do my courses.  This weekend is my sister’s birthday so we celebrated as much as we…

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