
Hello to whoever is reading this! My guess is you’re a student interested in applying to Wellesley College…in which case I am so excited that you are here reading my little post!

Yewon takes a selfie in front of an empty room

My name is Yewon, and I immigrated to Hawaii from South Korea just before I turned five. I grew up in that warm, tropical place for pretty much all my life until I moved to Massachusetts as a first year at Wellesley College! I’m a prospective political science major, and I intend on minoring in environmental studies. On campus, I’m involved in a range of things including the Korean Student Association, the Committee for Political Engagement, The Wellesley News, and more! For fun, I’m usually scavenging for good food at good restaurants or popping into a party to hang out with some friends! Although it’s a lot colder here, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Wellesley has genuinely become my second home, and I feel so comfortable here, even during the days when it’s below 40 degrees and I am quite literally shivering in my boots.

During my last year in high school, I was itching to know which college I would end up attending. My high school experience was not very exciting, and the stress of college acceptances—or rather the *lack* of acceptances—had been weighing me down since middle school. Throughout the fall semester of my senior year, I began building my college list. I noticed Wellesley by chance; the students seemed so passionate not only about their interests and disciplines but the college itself. As I did some more digging into this women’s college that I had never heard of, I discovered how many resources and opportunities would be available to me as a student.

Now, finding myself as a student at Wellesley, I am awestruck by the surreal nature of my journey, and I honestly cannot believe I’m entering my second year here in just a few months. I’ve made a ton of new, amazing friends and I’ve made so many wonderful memories—more in my first year than I ever made throughout all four year of high school. That being said, I am only a rising sophomore, so I still have three years left at Wellesley. College doesn’t come without its “flaws” of course: I still have to study for finals and write tons of essays and complete dozens of projects…but I wouldn’t want to do any of that anywhere else. Whatever I end up doing or pursuing, whether that be a position in a club or an internship or my eventual career, I know that I’ll always be supported by those around me, and I’ll always have Wellesley by my side. 

Good luck if you’re about to start or in the process of applying to colleges! Times can be stressful, and it can be difficult to know if you’re doing things correctly or not—I was definitely in that position as a senior. My advice is this: you’re going to be attending college for four years, pick a place that fits you. College is not about how good it’ll look on your resume or how impressed people will be when they hear the name. Remember that it’s about you! College is about your education, your experience, your happiness, your career, etc. I made the mistake of not having that perspective, and it made things a little difficult for me! Again, good luck, and I wish you all the best!

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