All Done!

I’m all done with my Junior year. I honestly can’t believe it.

I think my finals all went well too. I had a solid semester.

Finals at Wellesley are cool because most tests are self-scheduled. There are three blocks of 2.5 hours scheduled every day and students get to choose when they want to take their exams within these three windows of time. I took both of mine on the first day so I could just be done! I think half of Wellesley had the same idea lol.


The line on the first day of final exams wrapped around the first floor of the science center!

Once my exams were both over, I went over to the bookstore to return my rental books. And I found this gem. Mom, Dad, my birthday is coming up soon… in 6 months;)


Hillary’s “Ready-For-Action Figure”

My other two classes had final papers which I had already turned in. So on the first day of exams I was really DONE! Best finals period yet;) I even received feedback on one of my papers already. It was a group paper for my Game Theory class. We analyzed a scene from the Hunger Games. And then, because we’re awesome, we decided to add an appendix explaining why we deserved an A using game theoretic analysis. We got a bonus point for it;) I’m super proud of us.



In other news, the track athletes that are still competing are killing it! Here’s a picture of Sonja’s intimidation tactic:


And since the year is coming to a close. I will leave you all with this lovely picture of one of my very best friends at Wellesley: a senior on the track team. I love you, Kendra! Blue for life;)


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