I am officially back in my own room in Beebe:) After practice on Thursday, those of us who didn’t live on East side packed up and helped each other move across campus. It felt SO GOOD to sleep in my own bed again (with a mattress pad).

All my stuff taking up the entire Beebe elevator.
Last week, we did a few more fun team bonding things before the craziness of school started. On Monday, we went to the MFA and did a scavenger hunt. That was tons of fun:) My personal favorite work of art:
We also had a fun afternoon in the gym playing various games such as PIG and handball.
I was always the first out so I took pictures. There’s a reason I’m a runner…
I’ve really enjoyed being back at Wellesley early but I’m glad school is starting. I’ve had way too much free time. I need to get working again!
And I’m so glad to have friends back on campus!!!! 🙂