Boston Science Museum

Last week was the final week of wintersession track training. On Wednesday afternoon, the track team took a trip to the Boston Science Museum. I hadn’t been there since high school and I had a blast!

We spent a lot of time in the interactive exhibits for kids. I especially enjoyed the math and engineering room. I played a game where I tried to fit the greatest amount of odd shapes inside of a rectangular space. I think my brain grew two sizes.

I also enjoyed the exhibit on energy saving. My favorite part was a display of light bulbs. Viewers could turn a wheel to power the bulbs. This demonstrated how much energy each type of bulb required to light and stay lit. Of course, the LED bulb was much easier to power than the others.

The energy saving exhibit also had a video of different objects being microwaved, including a CD, marshmallow candies, and a bar of soap. The soap was crazy! It bubbled up and grew to four times its original size! (They said not to try it at home but I still want to.)

We concluded our museum trip with an iMax film called Wild Africa, which was a beautifully done documentation of many African species including flamingos, lions, and elephants.

Thanks to Wellesley’s Office of Involvement for providing the tickets that made this trip possible!


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