This past week Allie and I were invited to a cookie making/decorating party by a prospective Wellesley student who goes to high school in Beijing! How cool is that?!
So on Wednesday Allie and I hopped on the subway and headed over to Nina’s high school. Her mom actually met us at the subway stop and drove us over to the school which was incredibly nice of her. Then we got down to cookie making business!


Nina’s “Math is Awesome” cookie that she plans to give to one of her teachers:) P.S. The green cookies are mochi flavored!
It was so wonderful to meet Nina, her mom, and her classmates. We were so touched that she thought to invite us to her party. She even gave us adorable bears wearing her school’s uniform as a gift. The whole afternoon was such a memorable experience. I wish her all the best in her college search. (I truly hope she ends up at Wellesley!!!! *fingers crossed*)
The next night a few of the Chinese roommates wanted to go to KTV. And since I hadn’t been yet, I figured what better way to spend a Thursday night?
KTV was a blast. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept, its basically a private room that you rent for a few hours. It has comfy couches and a screen. And then you just karaoke the night away! I learned some fun Chinese songs and introduced our friends to some American music they hadn’t heard before:) #文化交流 #culturalExchange

Rock on!
By the end of the week I was happy but exhausted. So this past weekend I watched some movies and had early nights in to recover and prepare for this week’s classes.
Beijing is really starting to feel like home. 🙂