Fall Break (秋假)

Fall break here we come!!!!

This week is fall break. I have no class for an entire week so I’m headed to Kunming and Lijiang with classmates to see the country and hike beautiful mountains. We have a full itinerary for the next ten days which includes hiking Mount Huashan as well as the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (both of which are fairly well known areas).

I will be sure to update you all on my wonderful adventure when I return to CET (my host program)! For now, I am in between since this is a travel day. But its nice because I have time to think.

I already miss my roommate. She has truly made my experience here in China what it is. Everyday, when we return to our room after class we sit down at our desks opposite one another and begin our homework, she her English homework and I my Chinese. Every once in a while one of us leans over the back of our chair to ask the other a question about this word or that. … Except she’s studying for her graduate school test and I’m doing homework she did in first grade. :p hahaha! 没事儿 (No problem!)


Here we are goofing off at the mall. Well… I’m goofing off. She’s actually buying things.

She’s also taken me to eat all kinds of food! She is a self proclaimed foodie, so she knows whats good!


A giant bowl of Sichuan Style food! (Yum, spicy!) Later I learned I was eating fungus. Hahaha! Whatever, it tasted good!


Xiao Xiao’s favorite fruit: Durian Fruit. Now mine too.


Here she is making us dinner: Wawa soup. It’s like really really yummy lettuce.

I attempted to make omelets for Xiao Xiao and her friend one night but the hot plate broke so we ended up having to make them in the microwave lol. A bit of a food adventure…

She’s also taken me to eat jiaozi (dumplings) and Beijing Kaoya (Beijing duck). I think so far my favorite food here is Beijing Koaya, followed closely by Sichuan style food.

But the other week I had my first Hot Pot experience and that was also amazing! We went out to eat one night for a friend’s birthday and one of the Chinese roommates brought us to a well known Hot Pot restaurant. At a Hot Pot restaurant every table has a boiling pot of soup in the middle and you order raw meat and vegetables which you put in the soup to cook. Its a lot of fun and gets messy fast. Everyone was given an apron and a plastic bag to put their phone in lol! It was a riot when the waiter first brought out our aprons. I wasn’t sure if we were going to eat or just have a food fight.

I wil leave you all with this: some interesting Chinglish/gibberish. (The Chinese like English words on things but don’t always know what they mean, apparently.)

photo 1

My thoughts exactly!

photo 2

There is clearly no spac on this sign for one more letter.

All in good fun:) This place is truly amazing and I wouldn’t change anything about it!

~Over and out!


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