Guess Who’s HOME

I’m baaacckkkk!

I returned to Wellesley on Sunday afternoon in the midst of a torrential downpour. My loving family got soaking wet helping me unpack the car into my temporary wintersession housing in McAfee. During January, everyone on campus lives on the east side of campus in Freeman, McAfee, or Bates, regardless of where you live during the school terms.

Wintersession is one of my favorite times at Wellesley because I get to spend all day with my team. We make/eat meals together, work out together, and hang out/go into Boston to do fun things together! But the best part about wintersession is that we don’t have to plan around everyone’s class schedules or do any homework!! (Although, lets be real, we still spend plenty of time preparing for the semester ahead and applying to summer internships.)

This wintersession, I’m especially looking forward to our team trip to the Boston Science Museum. We were able to get free tickets for the entire team through Wellesley’s Office of Involvement. This is one of the many benefits of attending a small liberal arts college like Wellesley. The college makes so many free opportunities available to us because here we value an education that is about more than just what we learn in the classroom. It’s also about what we go out and learn on our own. One of the most important things I’ve learned at Wellesley is how to turn every moment–on or off campus–into an active learning experience. My favorite learning experiences? Groups treks into Boston with a goofy bunch of Track buds;)

I’m sure I’ll gather plenty of exciting pictures of the team in the next two weeks. So stay tuned!

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