This is my last day in China. I head home to upstate New York tomorrow morning! It’s so weird to think I’ve been here for ten weeks. It feels like just a few weeks ago I arrived here.
My last hurrah in Beijing was heading to the outer limits of the city to see the famous Ming tombs. It was a pretty cool (and rather academic;) ) experience. Then, of course, I wrote about it for City Weekend. Here are some of the pictures I took!
I’m going to miss everyone at City Weekend. It’s been a great summer and I can’t thank everyone there enough for all I’ve learned and experienced in my time here:)

The editors with Rebecca, and I. In the front left to right is Rebecca, myself, and Ami–the dining editor and a Wellesley alum!!!
But as sad as I am to say goodbye to everyone here in Beijing, I’m also extremely excited to return home and see my family and friends there! Last week, a friend posted a photo of my home under the Milky Way on Facebook. It took my breath away. I’m so lucky to be from such a beautiful place! And I can’t wait to be back there for a couple weeks:) The longer I’m far from home, the more I appreciate what a special place it is.