Whoop whoop! Except for the part where I don’t want to leave…
Oh Wellesley…
I took a trip to the bookstore the other day to see what they had kickin’ around. Found this gem:
Anywhooo, I’m feeling a little nostalgic as I sit here on my friend’s bed writing about how school is almost over. (And we’re basically half way done with college.)
I guess its a good sign that I’m sad about it, right?
When I got here as a first year I couldn’t imagine myself ever getting used to all the class and the work and the rigor of athletics. I thought I’d always have a homesick ache for my family, and I thought I would never make friends as good as the ones I’d left in high school.
PSH! If only I could go back in time and tell myself how silly I was! Well, I can’t. But I CAN tell all of you that if you have any and/or all of those thoughts, it is not the end. You will adapt to college life (and love it so much that you’re family will have to come drag you away at the end of the year). You will make friends just as good as the ones from home (if not better). And you will grow in new ways, becoming your own person who is independent of those who took care of you all throughout high school (but you’ll always miss them, sorry).
I digress:) Life is good and I have fun pictures to show you!
New team craft:
A peak at the field house through the KSC second floor window:

The inside of the field house mid renovations! Just to the right of the shot is a backhoe truck lol. #GettinIntense #GoBLue
And my new favorite professor:

And BAM! My poli-sci professor brought us food last week to class:) He knows professor evaluations are coming;)
Hope you are all having a lovely beginning of May! Congrats to all you seniors who have just decided on Wellesley! YAY Class of 2018! Welcome to the swells life;)