Last weekend, the Cross Country team ran at Regionals which was in Maine. To show our support, many of the XC team who weren’t running, as well as most of the Track sprint group drove up to support them. We spent the night at a teammates house Friday night which was tons of fun:) Her mom fed us SO MUCH GOOD FOOD! Then we got up early, drove to the coast to take some pictures, and headed to the meet.

And this is the start of the women’s race. See the line of racers? SOOOO MANY PEOPLE.
Photo Credit: Zoe Sobel
On Thursday, res staff hosted “Home for the Holidays” at tea. Home for the Holidays is something the Residence Halls put on every year before Thanksgiving Break. Since Thanksgiving is often the first time that first years have been home since leaving for college it can be a difficult transitioning period. We (the Beebe res staff) acted out a number of skits to showcase issues that first years might run into at home. Our skits included everything from parents enforcing curfews to seeing old friends who have changed. We also talked about first year concerns, and upperclass women gave advice based on their own experiences.
It was tons of fun and we had a great turn out. I felt like I was able to share my own experiences as well as learn some helpful tips from others. Even as a sophomore, navigating family issues at home can be difficult. That said, I’m so happy to be home with my family! Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year and I have so much in my life to be thankful for both home and at Wellesley:)