Can I just say, I cannot believe I’m almost halfway done with college. I wish it would slow down! But at the same time, I’m SO excited for next fall. I’ll be studying in Beijing and I know I’m going to love it. I actually just found out today that a classmate of mine is going to be doing the same program as I am so we’ll be together:) We’re pumped!
It’s going to be really hard to leave my Wellesley family for a semester. Especially because I know my time with them is already halfway over:(
It will be especially hard to leave my best friend Dulce. She has made this year at Wellesley one of the best of my life:) I am so thankful that we both ended up here together and our paths crossed when they did. Life is funny like that, college especially. The people you meet are not always the people you think you’ll connect with, but when you find friends in places you weren’t looking, they’re often the best ones;)
Speaking of Dulce, she celebrated her 20th birthday this past week! We had a wonderful get together with all our friends and an ice cream cake and donuts! What more could you ask for, am I right?!

Here’s Dulce unwrapping a giant ball of streamers. Somewhere under all that is an adorable coin purse! Happy Birthday!
Spending a semester without the track team will be equally hard. My team and coaches are the people who know me best. I share so much with them. (I see them at least two hours a day!) Plus the team is just so silly and wonderful. Exhibit A: pictures from last week’s meet.
I’m both sad to miss a semester of all this, and excited to be going to China. But what I haven’t realized until I thought about it just now is that both of these emotions prove just how extremely lucky I am.
I have the opportunity to travel to China and study the language that I love for an entire semester. I will experience new things and grow in ways I can’t even imagine.
I also have an amazing home to return to, here at Wellesley. You never quite realize what you have until its gone. And I’m sure my time away from Wellesley will make me appreciate it in new ways I never thought about before. This is something I’m looking forward to: falling in love with Wellesley all over again:)
Hehe:) on that cheesy note, peace out 😉