Busy Pre-Finals Week!


I am currently:

Sitting in the Sloan building (I love this place)

Writing my history final research paper (Make It or Break It: The Success and Failure of Foreign Firms in China) for my class History of Chinese Commerce and Business with Giersch. Love him! Also love the fact that this is due on Tuesday and I’m already halfway done with it–booyah.

Listening to “I Bet My Life” by Imagine Dragons. It just came out. Go ahead, google it.

I’m going to head over soon to MetroRock and spend another Friday night climbing. Tis a great way to spend Friday nights, I must say.

Let’s see….what did I do this week?

Well, on Saturday I waitressed! And I love working Saturday’s because we all sit down together at the end of the shift and eat like we’re one big family. πŸ™‚


Turkish food is the best!

Turkish food is the best!

I also don’t know if I’ve told you, but I work for Cafe Mangal. I forget if I’ve mentioned that already or not.

The super fancy restaurant that is Cafe Mangal

And then on Sunday I went climbing with Katie. We were at the gym for 5 hours! It was a great session and we were both unbelievable sore the next day. (I couldn’t pull on door handles or squeeze shampoo out of my shampoo bottle.) Afterwards, we missed Chipotle by like 1 minute because they close at 6pm on Sundays, so on a whim we decided to treat ourselves to a sit down meal that neither of us could afford. We ended up both ordering appetizers and sides haha. (Oh and this was Legal Seafoods.)


smoked salmon

smoked salmon

fish chowder!

fish chowder!

Ahi Tuna!

Ahi Tuna!

Then on Tuesday I went climbing again with Katie! This time we went with Wellesley’s P.E. class and their instructor David McGovern to nearby Dana Hall, which has an awesome climbing wall. But prior to going climbing I went to Pom Prom, which was a super cute and toned-down-fancy event in Pom’s (my dorm, Pomeroy) living room. I brought a friend who lives in Tower, and we discovered that we were majorly dressed down. There were girls wearing gowns! It was great nonetheless. I’m glad Pom’s Res Staff were able to put on a great event like this with delicious, fancy food and a chance for people to dress up on campus. πŸ™‚ We never really do that! I can think of many times I’ve dressed up to attend events off campus, but only once for something on campus, and that was the first year formal last year. So this event was great in providing that opportunity for so many people. Lots of people were taking photos. πŸ™‚

Fancy catered food from Pom dining hall staff! Cheesecake pops dipped in chocolate = heaven

Fancy catered food from Pom dining hall staff! Cheesecake pops dipped in chocolate = heaven. Also–chocolate covered strawberries!


And then classes were over! Tuesday was the last day!!! WAAHOOO! Except I was also surprisingly sad to be ending all my classes. I was not sad that my workload would drastically lighten in approximately 8 days (that’s when finals will be about over for me; around next Tuesday), but I was sad to leave my professors and my classmates and the coursework. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this semester and each and every class I took.

On Wednesday, I went out to dinner with Jean and Richard! They are the sweetest, cutest grandparents ever and gave me early Christmas presents! We ate at The Cottage in Wellesley. They got me a climbing book and pajama bottoms, both of which I absolutely adore! I am in LOVE with the climbing book and will sit down and read it cover to cover as soon as finals are over. I’ve heard of so many of the famous women in the book, too! I’ve read about them in Outside Magazine and National Geographic and Climbing Magazine and I’ve seen videos of them on Youtube and they were in Valley Uprising, the climbing movie I’ve talked so much about….so yeah. Major fangirling commenced upon receiving the book. Can’t wait to sit down and read it!


The sweetest people ever! Can we also appreciate their adorable sweaters??

The sweetest people ever! Can we also appreciate their adorable sweaters??

And then yesterday (Thursday) was the Admissions Office end-of-year party! I didn’t know anyone there because I never actually work on site (I just blog from home) but Wellesley students are never difficult to talk to and I befriended quite a few nice people before I had to dash off to Cafe Mangal for work. I also met Monica finally! The Monica who blogs for Wellesley. πŸ™‚ I love her posts and she seems really cool and I’ve been dying to meet her! She did not disappoint. πŸ™‚


Cafe Mangal actually catered for the event!

Cafe Mangal actually catered for the event!

The Admissions building is super adorable

The Admissions building is super adorable

Cuteness overload. See the gingerbread man cake??

Cuteness overload. See the gingerbread man cake??

Aaaand now it’s just about time for me to head off to Metro! Take care, have a good weekend, and we’ll talk next week!


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