Hello~ and my life in a nutshell

Hi Everyone,

I’m so excited to write my first ever blog post. 🙂 You have to understand, the excitement is warranted: I’ve been keeping a diary since the 5th grade and now – for the first time – other people’s eyes will see what my writing!

I guess before I start posting about my life, though, I should probably introduce myself. Here I am in a nutshell.

My name’s Emily and I’m a sophomore. A rock climbing, thrift shopping, bookworm, I also cut my own hair. I hail from the Golden State, but was born in St. Louis. My parents are immigrants. I am an enthusiast for classic, alternative, and indie rock. During the school year I inevitably end up missing Chinese food, so trips into Boston often include a visit to Chinatown. I am an Economics major, with plans to go into finance after graduation. Co-President of the Wellesley Outing Club, I’m also taking an MIT class, waitressing, and doing a UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity – at MIT) this semester. Surprisingly, I’ve still been able to sleep 9 hours a night! Let’s hope that doesn’t change.

As of now, I’m eagerly awaiting my dad’s arrival tomorrow. He’s visiting me for the first time! Can you believe he’s never set foot on Wellesley’s campus before?? I know, such a terrible dad for not helping me move in my first year. (Actually though, he lives and works in Shanghai and it’s really hard for him so I don’t give him any grief for missing things like my high school graduation and moving in to college. I’m just glad I’ll get to see him tomorrow! For the first time since January. :))

I also just got my ZipCard in the mail! I’ve been checking my mail like a possessed woman these past few days because I really really really want to have a car to drive my dad around when he visits. (Although I suppose a Wellesley experience would not be complete without a ride with Peter.) I just activated my car and am SO stoked to be able to drive to and from my MIT class now. It’s from 6-9pm on Thursdays, so going in is during rush hour, meaning I have to take the 4 in order to not be late to class, and after class I miss the 9, so I have to take the 10. It’s quite the time commitment! It’s definitely worth it though because I LOVE my class. (I’ll tell you more about it some other time but it’s called Power and Negotiation and it’s through Sloan. Doesn’t it just SOUND cool?)

Anyway, so much for keeping this in a nutshell. I’ll stop here for now. Until next time! 🙂


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