Category: Caroline’s Blog

A Week in the Life: Quarantine Edition

Hello y’all! I am still under a shelter-in-place order here in Northern California, so my family has been staying inside except for walks around our neighborhood! We have had awesome weather this week –– yesterday it was 80º –– which is definitely making it harder to stay inside. Online classes are in full swing and I have established a solid…

Wellesley College: Walnut Creek, CA Campus 

Hello friends! I absolutely cannot believe that it is April already! Today, we are mid-way through our second week of online classes. I am starting to develop a routine again and I now consider myself a Zoom expert! Here in Nor-Cal, we can still leave the house so long as we practice social distancing, so I have been taking daily…

Chem Midterm and a Quick Jaunt to Vermont

It is officially midterms season folks. Like many of my peers, I had an incredibly busy week with assignments due in almost all of my classes. I’ve been practicing lots of self-care by enjoying the warm weather we’ve been having and reading outside. It has been exhausting at times but overall a great week. I had my first chem midterm…

Introductions! Introductions! Introductions!

Hello y’all! My name is Caroline and I’m about halfway through my second semester back at Wellesley. I was born and raised in Walnut Creek, California –– in the San Francisco Bay Area –– and I’m loving life on the East Coast. I am an avid reader, coffee drinker, lover of politics and fresh flowers, Ben & Jerry’s connoisseur, and…

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