Category: Eleanor’s Blog Archive

Alpaca Adventuring

I don’t know what it was that possessed me to call up the Harvard Alpaca Ranch on the phone. It’s one of the odder conversations I’ve had recently, asking a stranger if I could come pet their alpacas. It turns out that alpacas are rather wary animals, not too keen on being petted but VERY keen on eating any and…

Weekday Meetings. Weekend: Maine

Hello from Portland, Maine! We took a trip to my friend’s house for a bit of rest, relaxation… and mostly the chance to pet cats. It’s nice sometimes during your college years to just be in a home, even if its only for 48 hours, to have a reunion with fancy cheese and fireplaces. Especially since this week at Wellesley…

I Meet My Violin Idol

Thursday afternoon, the sun is just starting to slant down. I’m walking down the train station platform, listening to my latest read: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2016 commencement speaker, but I digress) when I see a familiar face. It’s Sarah, from my molecular genetics class, and she’s clutching a Styrofoam container…the kind of container doctors carry through the streets…

My Dream Week, Incoming

Fall break, and I’m sitting on my childhood bed with my violin at my feet. I would have updated sooner, but the academic push up to break has demanded nothing less than my full, unwavering, attention. A chemistry exam that was quite frankly brutal, a partial scientific paper on sgRNA transformation, on top of the “weekly maintenance” for classes and my…

Let’s Talk While I Wait For My Train

I’m currently sitting at the Yawkey train station, watching the entire city of Boston go by. For some reason, even though it’s 5:30 pm, the traffic into the city is heavier than the traffic going out. The last few stragglers are wandering into the Red Sox game. Fenway park is right across the street, and I had to dodge the…

A Series of Surprises: I update you on five months of my life

Long time, no see, my dear readers! So much has happened since I last wrote to you from Copenhagen. Things have fallen back into place, into new formations, and I’m starting my senior year with kind of clarity that earlier in my Wellesley career I would never have expected. I’ll just run through the last few months of my life,…

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