This past week was Spring break. Here in Geneva, Spring break coincides with Easter so many folks decided to go home to celebrate with their families. It’s funny to write about Spring break, as I know that the semester at Wellesley is coming to an end and some of you are finally choosing your next steps in your educational career. Next…
Category: Laïssa’s Blog
academic life
Hi everyone; This past week pretty quiet. I have been mainly studying and trying to finalize my final projects. Going to school in Geneva feels very much like Wellesley but different in two key ways. I don’t have as much work to do while here. In fact, I have so much free time that I finished two novels and started…

halfway there
My adventures in Geneva continue! This past week marked about the halfway point of my time here. I can feel the work ramping up just as the flowers are blooming. It’s getting harder to stay inside and study. So this past weekend, I took a day trip with some friends to Lyon, a city close to Geneva in France. Lyon…

geneva, genève + things to consider
This week has been a pretty quiet week. I did all the normal things I do in a week. I am starting to get really involved with my classes. I met with one of my professors during office for the first time this semester and had a really fruitful discussion with them. I submitted my first paper of the semester…

Expanding My Horizons
This week, I traveled to Oxford for a seminar on War and Peace. The seminar brought different subjects and disciplines together to discuss conflict and the ways we can create peace. I found out about this seminar through my major advisor for the Peace and Justice Studies program. There was an application program, I applied received the scholarship to attend…

Meeting Alums in Geneva
I was quite busy this week. First, I came back from a weekend trip to Milan, Italy where I met up with some friends from Wellesley. It was the first time I had seen them in almost a year and we had such a great time. We did all the things they are to do in Milan in about 2…

Visits to the UN
As part of the programme, we have a mentor who helps us with our career and personal aspirations. This week, we visited the UN office in Geneva to learn more about the work they do, see where they do it and get a library card. We originally planned to visit last week, but the office was closed. This week was…

Traveling and settling in
This week was my 3rd official week in Geneva and I think I am starting to get a hang of things. I know how to get to most places using public transportation and I have spent more than enough time in Swiss grocery stores. I buy some of my fruits and vegetable at the weekly Sunday farmer’s market. They have…
I am a graduate student
Well no, not really. However, I am studying at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, a university specifically dedicated to handing out advanced degrees in subjects related to International Affairs. That means I am taking classes at the Institute with other Masters and even Ph.D. students. This can be and has been a little intimidating but…
I am in Geneva!
I made it to Geneva for my second-semester abroad! My semester starts next week so in the next post I will let you in on some of the classes I am taking. I am writing this on my laptop while facing an amazing view of the Swiss Alps from my room. Needless to say, I am excited about this semester.…