It’s good to be back. There’s no easing back in to the pace of things at Wellesley. You get here, start to unpack, plan out your schedule then BAM you’re on your way. The semester has already been so *full* in so many ways. I’ve rearranged my schedule from how I had planned it back in May, so that now…
Category: Lia’s Blog Archive

Pre-Orientation – 26Aug2016
Today is move in day for new students!!! I woke up to the sound of excited families carrying couches and mattress pads down the hallway. I’m pretty settled in since I moved in last Friday – I’ve been on campus for a while now going through Student Leader Training, and then helping carry out Pre-Orientation or International Student Orientation between Wednesday…

As someone who spends most of her time reading, writing and talking about public health, I try to practice what I learn. Care for oneself before caring for others, be aware of the affect one’s actions have on the community, etc. So when I started having headaches on Friday last week, I ignored it, like anyone whose friend from out of…

what next
here’s a playlist I made, and something I wrote about it. (on spotify) the prompt for this assignment was to create a playlist answering the question “what’s next?”, and write about why I chose the songs I did what I plan to achieve, want to become “next”, reflecting on my experience at Wellesley so far. ——————————- what next? Lia…

New Fam
I’ve been neglecting this blog the past few weeks. I’m sorry! I got so busy so fast – this semester has really sped up since we hit the midway point, when all the midterms, projects, paper proposals are due all in the same week. But I’d be lying if I said it was all work. Phi Sig, the lecture society…

Good Food Good Music
I swear this semester is going by way faster than all the other ones. Every Thursday when I sit down to write these posts I am shocked that it’s already been a week since the last one. Like I wrote about last week, we just celebrated Girls Day in Japan. My Japanese friends and I on campus got together and had…

March 3rd, 2016
Happy Girls’* Day! Today is the day of Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day in Japan. Growing up, my mom and I would spend a couple hours in early February every year putting together our hina dan, the multi-tiered doll set that represents the Empress and Emperor. I loved my dolls so much I’m pretty sure I played with them throughout the…

long weekends, nyc edition 1
NYC If you live in the northeast you’ll know what I’m talking about when I say this past weekend was unreal. I think that might have been the coldest I have ever been in my entire life. When I saw that it was -20 degrees out – and couldn’t tell if that was Celsius or Fahrenheit – I knew I…

Finally(?) Back where I should be.
After nearly nine months out of the country, I finally stepped foot on American soil two Thursdays ago. The jetlag may have been to blame but I think it took me a full four days to really digest the fact that I had been gone for so long and the world (my worlds of Wellesley, friends, family) had been functioning…

Reflection – Pt.1
This semester is coming to a close. Tuesday marked the last day of finals for me, and I leave Copenhagen officially on the 20th. This weekend, I’ll be visiting Odense (one of the island regions of Denmark) and then Amsterdam to meet up with friends from Tokyo. I’ll only have a few days after this trip to enjoy Copenhagen, a…