Happy Thanksgiving! I know I’m late – I had written this post last week but had no wifi for a few days, so here’s a bit about what I did for thanksgiving break! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Checkout this video about the holiday – Why Thanksgiving Should Be Redefined by one…
Category: Lia’s Blog Archive

Brussels, Paris, Barcelona
I was in Paris last week. Well I was in Brussels for three days, then Paris for four, then Barcelona for five. It was hands down, one of the best weeks of my life. I saw breath-taking views, ate amazing food, and spent time with some incredible people, but throughout the ten days of traveling I think I did a lot of…

Fall in Fredriksberg
I’ve had a pretty hectic week so far. After getting back to Denmark from a week of traveling last Monday morning, I had a packed week of classes and had no energy to leave my house over the weekend. I did go to Sweden (still trying to get used to how casually I hop borders in Europe) to see a…

jeg elsker København fordi det er en hyggeligt by
So I’ve been living in Denmark for over two months. It’s strange because come to love so many things about life here that it feels like it’s been forever. But because of the long travel weeks that interrupt the schedule once a month, my time here feels really segmented. I just got back from Prague on Monday, and the week’s already over.…

This is the place…(Budapest, Vienna, Prague)
http://campaign.wellesley.edu/this-is-the-place Have you guys seen this video?? it’s the promotional video Wellesley has made for its campaign to raise funds to improve the school. As I was watching it I realized I knew a lot of the people in the video – and how that’s one of Wellesley’s charms. It’s such a small school, with such a distinct community, that you…

Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy in Denmark
At Wellesley, I was struggling to keep up with the four classes a semester I was enrolled in. I remember during course registration fall of my first year thinking four classes a semester didn’t seem like enough, just compared to how many classes I had to take in high school. But I quickly learned that college courses are very different…

Riga, Helsinki, København
Once a month, we have a week-long “travel break” here at DIS. We could use these weeks to travel alone, but for one of the travel weeks our core classes schedule a week long trip to other European countries so that we can extend our education not just outside of the classroom, but outside of Denmark as well. I am…

Why I miss Wellesley (and why women’s colleges are great)
This weekend I went to an island called Bornholm for a cycling trip. The 48 hours I spent on that island were a very physically challenging and introspective time. I pushed my body to bike 72km at full speed (which was, granted, not very fast but I was putting in my all the entire time). I lost the group I…

thoughts from a café in cph
I’ve been sitting at this café for over two hours waiting for my next class to start. I started journaling this summer, so I took out my notebook and started to write. and when I was done, I guess I wasn’t really done, because this blog post kind of turned into an extension (or a prologue?) of my journal entry.…

…and now I’m in Copenhagen!
Hi, it’s been a while! The last time I posted, I was at Wellesley finishing up my sophomore year in a whirlwind of assignments and parties and goodbyes – lots of goodbyes. As an international student I’m used to saying bye to friends and hopping on a plane to the other side of the world. It’s a privilege to be…