Category: Shreya’s Blog

A Day in the Life of a Sophomore at Wellesley College

Hello hello! Congrats to all those who received likely letters (@Wellesley2023)! For those of you still anxiously waiting for results, don’t fret! You’re almost at the end of your college process! Exciting news awaits you. Today, I wanted to share what one Wednesday at Wellesley looks like for me. Wednesdays are pretty relaxed, and since I don’t have class until…

Looking harder and deeper

Hello hello! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Today, I wanted to talk about this great article I had to read for my modern art history class called The Power of Patience. In the article, the author, Jennifer Roberts, highlights the importance of deceleration and immersive attention. She requires her art history students to spend three hours simply…

A room tour!

Hello hello!

Today is the day. Today, I finally post our room tour – something that has been long awaited! I filmed this with my one of lovely roommates, Emily (thanks for helping me, Em!) Our room is in Severance Hall, part of the iconic Tower Court. Watch as she goes through our room and shares all about it. We took inspiration from Vogue’s 73 Questions- Enjoy!



Til next week,


On Spring Semester Classes

Hello hello! Welcome to the second week of classes. As promised, I want to talk about my classes this semester, and share what I’m looking forward to the most! A bit of background: I am a Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences major here at Wellesley – a combination of psychology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. Last semester, I took two classes…

The end [of the semester] is near!

Hello hello!

It’s December, which means for those of you reading this, it’s either 1) finals szn or 2) college application deadlines are near. Fret not! Here are some (tried and tested) ways to manage all the stress that’s happening.

  • Take some time for yourself  

good morning coffee GIF by Thoka Maer

This could be anything you want! From taking a nap, to watching a show on netflix, make sure you have time for yourself! Personally, I love a hot shower and reading before I sleep. Currently, I’m just finishing up this book. Highly recommend! Headspace is also one of my favorite apps, which allows me to pause in between everything that’s happening and stay mindful.

  • Write down what you’re grateful for

Image result for grateful gif

Forget about the piles of work building up for a moment. Grab a warm beverage, sit by the window, look outside, and just write. Write about why you’re happy/sad/frustrated/hopeful/excited/etc. Write about your plans to travel the world, visit your favorite city again, and all your aspirations. It never hurts to take some time to reflect where you are and how far you’ve come!

  • Plan ahead! Start early!

journaling sharpie markers GIF by Sharpie

We here at Wells love our google calendars and bullet journals (I speak from experience). Use these tools to your advantage, and incorporate ways to plan tasks ahead of time and (more importantly!) finish them – so you don’t need to worry about them 12 hours before the due date.

  • Put away your phone

phones cells GIF by The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Picture this: you have a empty google document in front of you. An essay that’s just begging to be written. five mins, you say to yourself. I’ll start writing after scrolling through Instagram for five minutes. You pick up your phone, and suddenly, you can’t stop. Hours pass and it’s suddenly nightfall, and you have exactly two words on your document: your first and last name.

To combat this, I recommend putting your phone in your backpack or in another room, away from sight. I also highly endorse the app, Moment! It’s an app on your phone that helps you keep track of screen time. Understand and analyze the moments you use your phone, so you can be aware of how it affects your life!

  • Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help

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Family, friends, professors, staff, deans, counselors – they’re all there to help. Whether it be a rant session or just life advice, there are plenty of people who are ready and willing to support and guide you. It’s up to you to seek them out!

  • Remind yourself:

i believe in you GIF

You are so close. Just keep moving forward. The best is yet to come. You got this! Choose your favorite, and go with it. More importantly, believe it!

I’m rooting for you,


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