Category: Vyara’s Blog

A busy week

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that it’s Wednesday already. This past week was really stressful for me with all of the pre-spring break chaos. At this point in the semester, I am really looking forward to spring break. I don’t think I have shared that with you yet, but I’llbe spending most of my spring break in NYC. I have…

A day in Boston

Hello everybody! Wellesley is a great place, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. However, sometimes it’s good to get out of the “Wellesley bubble.” To do that, I love going to Boston and just walking around for a while in a different environment in the lively city. So, to cheer myself up that is exactly what I did this last…

Sledding and Baba Marta

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing great! Life at Wellesley in the past week has been really fun. We (finally!) had enough snow to go sledding. I don’t know if you know this, but sledding down Sev Hill is a tradition at Wellesley, and most people do it throughout their time here. Having experience with snow, I didn’t think…

Yes, I’m talking about books again

Hi everybody! Greetings from Wellesley’s library where, once again, I am stuck for most of my Wednesday. I had two classes in the morning – Math on Zoom and then Chemistry in the Science Center (I actually had a test in that class, and I think it went well!). Afterward, I went to Lulu to get some packages, went back…

Valentine’s day and books

Hi everybody! I hope you are having a great week. Things are great here at Wellesley. Valentine’s Day was this week, so there were a lot of things happening around campus. The biggest and most fun one was definitely the WellNESSt Festival. It was a really cool place that involved us learning about the different aspects of wellness through games,…

My favorite study spots

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Here, on campus, the semester has really taken off, and, honestly, I have been really busy this past week. And so, I haven’t really done a ton of interesting things (unless, of course, you count going to classes, studying, working, and then more studying as ‘interesting’ or ‘fun’). Since all I have been doing…

My Winter Break

Hello everyone! How has the Winter break been for you? I had a great time back home in Bulgaria with my family. I arrived the day before Christmas, so I didn’t have a lot of time to rest or fix my sleep schedule before all the crazy around the holidays started. Nevertheless, I was really excited to see my family…

The end of my first semester

Hello dear readers! Yes, it’s that time of the year. The semester is (almost) officially over, and everyone is leaving campus. I personally will be leaving tomorrow: I will be flying back home to Bulgaria through Germany. My Big (assigned older student that acts as your sibling on campus) from Slater and I will actually be traveling together as she…


Hello everybody! The end of the semester is finally here! I am so excited to go home soon. Even the upcoming finals can’t kill my mood. Of course, it is sad that today is the LDOC (last day of classes, I promise you that this is a part of the Wellesley vocabulary) because I will really miss some of my…

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