Category: Campus Photos

Winter Returns?

On Sunday, we had a little snowstorm blow through Wellesley: Just days ago, Wellesley looked like this: Ah well, spring is around the corner. At least, it needs to be around the corner because outdoor track has begun! Saturday’s meet at Coast Guard was COLD and WET and WINDY. But we had a great meet and placed third overall. Multiple…

South Station, sentimentality, and sunsets

Greetings from an Amtrak train car currently waiting to depart South Station…spring break is finally here! I already feel like there’s a weight off my mind, although now that I don’t have quite so much work to think about I’m starting to realize how tired I really am. I really love my train rides home. Some people get sentimental on…

Unexpected winter beauty

We got snow! The first snow of the year on campus always has magical feel about it, even for someone like me, intimidated enough by last year’s 100 inches to be quite content with unseasonal warmth. Still, walking to breakfast this morning, dodging snowplows while listening to Tchaikovsky’s “Winter Reveries” Symphony, I couldn’t help but smile at the beauty that…

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