Category: Classes

Monday, Through Music

I woke up this morning to a Wellesley wonderland- snow! Somehow, it’s already December, and winter has decided to make its official entrance. You would think, as somebody who’s lived on the East Coast my whole life, I would be prepared for the winter onslaught each year…but somehow I feel caught off guard each year by the first snowfall. Still,…

Statistics, Supermoon

Well, this blog tonight is coming to you from a brain that has been doing statistics nearly the entire day. That means a tired brain, a brain that feels like mush, a brain that feels more like a t-distribution than a normal one. Statistics jokes. I have an Econ Stats midterm tomorrow, in case you couldn’t tell. I went in…

Why I Came Here, Why I’ll Stay

I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m soooooo reaaaadyyyyyyy!!! for this weekend. but also to keep fighting the necessary fight. I’m taking a break from the Senior Interview Series this week even though we just got started because 1) I have too many thoughts and emotions to sort through, and so do my interviewees, to focus just on ourselves right now, and…

How this semester has changed my thinking

How this semester has changed my thinking Every time I sit down with a cup of tea, I can’t help but think about the conceptual metaphor AFFECTION IS WARMTH and, suddenly the gently steaming hot liquid feels like a hug and exactly what I need at that moment. When you are eating a piece of bread, you are eating wheat,…

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