Category: Monica’s Blog


Hello readers! This is going to be much more of a typical blog post than my usuals :). So much has happened this week, and happily much of it has been expressed in pictures. So I’m going from the top, in chronological order, including pictures as they appear (thank you for that suggestion ;)). Further reason for this format is…

if day

% Hello readers! I’m writing in Matlab syntax today. Matlab is my only programming      % language, thus making it my favorite. Its concepts are fairly simple: % signals                  % comments, which is any writing not actually executed when the code is run. “If-then”    % statements are self-explanatory: if something…

Like a Child

Hello readers, Life isn’t fair. It is so incredibly un-unfair I feel like a child, but better, because I can appreciate the days spent in the sun, playing in the water, walking under a full moon. And my work days aren’t work, just days with a different focus, less aimless in their wanderings, frustrating but carefree. Ambition taking a backseat…

Growing Pains

It’s funny how her story doesn’t match your story. Funny how two people in the exact same situation—your scientific control—can’t retell the same thing. “‘Then the king said it was good.’ Hey Monica—try emphasizing each word individually. The sentence is completely different each time! Isn’t that cool?” It was. I’m brooding in my corner, corrected on a minor mistake. They…

Ups and Downs

Hello readers :). Hope you all had fun weeks! My days are now consistent, and enjoyably so: get up at 8:30am, walk to work (say hi to the guy on the bench on the way), work at work, eat lunch with the rest of the lab (discuss just how abhorrent catcalling is on the feminist scale), work some more at…

Another name for peace

Hello readers :). I’ve little stories for you today, because so much has happened. My life normally moves so slowly when I experience it, but this week has gone by in a flash. Monday: Darn it, no internet. Scurry over to a Dunkin’ Donuts, a backpack slung over one shoulder, my laptop perched precariously on the other arm. Nope, not…


Move with it. Move with the prickles of anxiety of living in a new place, new transportation, new job. Move with the fear of not creating my own project yet, not being ready, what if I disappoint you? Move with the excitement of rooming with friends, of living in the city, of doing something new. Move with the research opportunity—that…

School’s Out!

Dear readers, SCHOOL IS OUT! Thank goodness. I love school, but that’s easier said as a blanket statement than when you’re about to take a two-and-a-half hour final. I was very lucky and only had two finals, Neuro 320 and Organic Chemistry II, along with two final projects, one for Making a Difference through Engineering (WE-lab!) and one for Computer…

Science Rules

Good morning readers! How are you all? It’s sunny and warmish at Wellesley, so I can’t complain :). (Warmish being even better than warm, because we have a distinct lack of air conditioning in the dorms… though I of course can always beat a hasty retreat to the Science Center, which employs air conditioning almost year round :P). Speaking of…


“The problem with Monica is she wants to have her cake and eat it too.” Oddly enough, I’ve never been criticized for having too much ambition before. I’ve been criticized for a great number of things, most of which I’ve attempted to fix within my twenty years of development, but I’ve never encountered an external criticism of my choice of…

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