Good morning readers! I’m writing this post a little earlier than usual because CLASSES HAVE STARTED! I am so excited, even though I don’t have class today and I didn’t on Wednesday (when school started.) My schedule is in the process of being adjusted right now (as are many Wellesley students’ schedules), but currently I have class only on Monday,…
Category: Monica’s Blog
It Never Ends! Swimming continues.
Dear Readers, Hello! This is going to be a shorter post (as usual?!) because I’m living in the calm before the storm. Class starts on Wednesday (AHHHH! So excited/scared), and so my college life that revolves around school, instead of swimming, will begin again! Right now, though, I’m still living in the aquatic world. We had a meet last weekend…
All’s Well at Swells!
Hello readers! Guess what? My shoulders are sore. Wellesley Swim and Dive has been doing SO MUCH SWIMMING— (and diving)— that nearly half the team is down in the trainer’s room every day getting ice for shoulder/knee injuries. People are exhausted too, both physically and mentally (now, did I reach the right depth on that flip turn? Were my hands…
Hawai’i and Wellesley
Hello everyone! Or rather, Aloha! Wellesley Swim and Dive has been in Waikiki, Hawaii for six days now, and it feels like we’ve been here forever. Our days are long but filled with spectacular tropical activities; we will return bronzed, penniless, and refreshed. Though we are swimming at least once a day, usually twice, this feels like a wonderful vacation.…
Just Keep Swimming!
Hello hello! Greetings from Wellesley! I’m so happy to be back :). The last few days have been a blast, but as usual I’ll go chronologically… The first big event took place on Sunday: Christmas! This year, I’m finally old enough that the majority of my presents were money rather than actual presents. I remember the Christmases when we would…
Home and Happy
Hello! I’m back home in Edina, Minnesota, having a wonderful Christmas break :). I’ve been told I need to condense my writing, so this post should end up shorter and less jumbled than the others, if all goes well! I shall begin at last Friday, when I decided to pick up my room and do laundry. How is it that…
Oh my goodness. That is my conclusion after a week-long Final session. Oh my goodness. So, reading period started off well, you know? Lots of studying, sitting in my room, going out, keeping busy, swimming, everyone’s having fun… and then Monday hits. Well, Sunday actually, when I figured I actually had to figure out what was going on in Chemistry,…
Reading Period!
Hello everyone! Guess who’s sick again? Ha, I bet you heard that one coming. I have been sick three times this fall/winter already, which is a gross overestimate of my usual sickness rate. Ah well, I’m adjusting—or mostly just staying up later than I usually do. Sleep is good everyone! Go to college and sleep! However, this has been a…
It’s December Already!
Hello hello hello! Man, I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted! Well, two weeks. I meant to post over thanksgiving, but that didn’t quite get done. Oh well, more to talk about this week! So since two weeks ago is now ancient times (some say that the time goes by quickly. I feel that my days are so…
Its Twists and its Turns
Hello everyone! I have to say, this hasn’t been one of my better weeks. For whatever reason, the past few days haven’t been much fun. But we shall go in chronological order, because there have definitely been some highlights! Last Friday after swim practice, I was sitting at the dining table with some of my fellow first-years (Kendra, Grace, Tiffany,…