Category: Monica’s Blog

November dawns

Good afternoon :). I say this with a smile because I, Monica Gates, have completed round two of midterms! Muhahaha! (Old trait from high school. You may ignore the cackling.) After finishing up my math and chemistry tests on Wednesday and Thursday, I am (yet again) behind in everything else, but am pleased to be done studying! Studying can be…

And the Weather Outside is Frightful…

Hello wonderful people out there! Since I feel like giving your brains a challenge today, I’m going to mix it up. Ie, go chronologically backwards. Big deal, I know. In other words, I have a really hard time remembering things from last week (I’ve had to start writing things down), so backward progression: here we come! Just before I came…

My Consummate College Experience (cont.)

Hello everyone! Not much has happened this week! (Except for last Friday when I had an awesome time with my recruit, Erin, and we stayed up until late talking with Tiffany in my room. We also ate real tangerines, due to Tiffany’s inside sources. It was fantastic and I highly recommend hosting.) I’m also pleased that this was a pretty…

Back in the Groove

Hello everyone! Guess what I just heard? This weekend is recruit weekend (and general prospie [prospective student] weekend—yay for those who are hosting!) and one of the recruits we have here (Elly) has told me that she read my blog before coming. This pleases me immensely. I’m of use to people! But enough of self-laudatory nonsense. I’ll get right down…

Fall Break is here!

Hello! Guess who finished her midterms and essays? *Monica raises her hand excitedly.* Guess who also is behind on reading due to studying for said midterms and writing said essays? *Monica waves her hand around wildly.* And that’s where I stand at the end of this long week! Thus I am super psyched about Fall Break (we get Monday and…

Hello! Monica here.

Hello! My name is Monica Gates, and I’m a first-year here at Wellesley College.  I was selected to write this blog (in recognition of my whole class—now that’s daunting!) and I can’t wait to get started! First for some background on me, before we go crazy with all the activities that consume one from the first day of school… I…

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