Category: Monica’s Blog


Good morning, readers :). It is actually morning (before 8am) as I am hoping to head into MIT for physics office hours today by ten. I am finishing my last three p-sets for each class—9.40 (Introduction to Neural Computation), 18.05 (Introduction to Probability and Statistics), and 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism)—and I can only contrast this with my first week of…

Tidbits and Tidings

Hello readers! Alas, this week (similar to last week) I am left without a unified theme that unites all I want to talk about. I suppose I should consider myself fortunate, since nothing significantly traumatizing happened that could scoop everything under one umbrella. That said, a whole bunch of little but happy things have occurred, and I’d love to share…

I heart College

Dear readers, It’s been an awesome week for me :). No physics or math pset (so not too academically busy), my family visited, my friends are wonderful, course scheduling next fall worked out perfectly, housing next year’s working out perfectly, I enjoyed a lecture, I loved the Book of Mormon, so much writing, exercise, and reading… I was trying to…

Spring Break 2014

Hello everyone! I have to say, not a lot is going on in my life… since it’s spring break! Very fortunately, Wellesley’s spring break lined up almost perfectly with MIT’s this year, so I have been able to enjoy my week off :). At Wellesley, not a lot of students stay on campus during spring break, because they close all…

Undertakings of a Neuro Pset

It’s Sunday morning, and I’m trying to figure out what I want to do. I have a math problem set (pset), a physics problem set, a neuro problem set, a physics test to study for, and two leftover research hours that I didn’t finish during the week. Psets are supposed to take between 6-8 hours per week, but I’ve pretty…

Let it never stop

Shanzeh’s going on a pilgrimage. I was doing that thing in English class where you start asking generic questions to the people around you (at this time: “what are you doing for spring break?”) and pray that someone’s got something interesting up their alley to get the conversation flowing. Luckily for me, college is full of interesting people. And I…


I’m sitting on the bus back from Boston with little orange ear plugs curled into my ears, and large black driving-range earmuffs clapped around that which look enough like headphones that people don’t bother me. I’m in a little pool of light, personal lightswitch clicked on above, like the ones you find in airplanes except yellower. My laptop is open…

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