Category: Monica’s Blog

My Dreadfully Long Gambling Post

Hello readers! Hope your Fridays have started out well :). Just this morning (like, ten minutes ago) I spent much too much time trying to make a roulette on Powerpoint. You’d think there would be a program online that would let me make one—and there probably is, buried underneath all of the online gambling sites that popped up. If anyone…

Weird Weather and Safe Spaces

Hello readers! Man, the weather is wacky out here. My parents and I drove out to Wellesley two days ago (special treat—I usually fly), and though it might be a higher temperature in Minnesota, the humidity here is crazy! Yesterday, when most of the upperclasswomen were moving in, it was thunderstorming like there was no tomorrow, with intermittent breaks for…

Glass Half Full

Hello everyone! I am back in Minnesota, sitting on the floor as per usual :). So many habits I’ve picked up this summer at my MIT frat—starting with plopping down in front of the biggest fan possible, back when we didn’t have air conditioning. And checking for toilet paper before entering the bathroom, and cleaning up after I cook something,…


Hello readers. I’m done. Not quite in Minnesota yet—that’s not until next Saturday—but I’m done. Done with my sister and relatives’ visit, done with my summer research internship, done with neuroscience camp, done with my sophomore spring, done with wintersession, done with sophomore first semester. Winding the clock way back to August of last year, the last time I sat…

Interview Number 2: Iulia

Hello readers! Hope life is treating you well :). As I mentioned last week, I’m beginning my interviews: friends from Wellesley who are kind enough to answer my questions during the summer :). I just talked to Iulia, who is my other roommate for the summer at MIT’s Theta Chi Fraternity House. She laid on the top bunk of our…

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